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At Ann.Rose, I love to focus on the details; the details of your love story or most precious family moments. Whatever the event or occasion, I love capturing these details and bringing them into life through your photos.


My name is Mishell Ortiz, but you know me as Ann.Rose. The name Ann.Rose came from two extremely important women who changed my life forever. These women where both my mothers. My biological mother struggled with alcohol and drug abuse. To the point where she had to give me away after consuming so much cocaine that she went into an early labor by two months. With that being said I was then fostered by the family who then soon adopted me and the rest is history.​

I grew up with a passion for many things as a child, and one of them is photography. I remember when I got my first camera, I was just 15 and took pictures of everything. I had both mothers to thank for that, since they always motivated me to take pictures.

In 2010 I lost my mother who adopted me from cancer, and in 2017 I lost my biological mother from an asthma attack. So, I decided to reflect my business name with the two women who made me the woman I am today.

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